The Annual General Meeting of FELIXSTOWE & WALTON UNITED FOOTBALL CLUB will take place in the clubhouse on Saturday 29th June 2019 at midday.
Any motions or questions to be included in the Agenda must be submitted in writing to the secretary within ten days of the posting of notice of the meeting.
The Agenda is as follows
Felixstowe & Walton United Football Club
Annual General Meeting
Saturday 29th June 2019
12:00 Hrs
- Chairman’s welcome and opening remarks
- Apologies for absence
- Minutes of the 2017/2018 AGM
- To confirm minutes of the 2017/18 AGM
- Matter arising from those minutes
- Secretary’s report
- Treasurers report
- Financial statement & report 2018/19
- Vote of thanks for the retiring officers – Mr Dave Ashford, Club President
- Any other business
- Communication – Barry Grossmith
All members are welcome to attend